EFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2015-16 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget 2015-16 opened up on the last day of the shortest month with a positive note by our Finance Minister Shri.ArunJaitley “I present this budget in an economic environment which is far more positive than in the recent past”. On the
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2014-15 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget of India for 2014–2015 was presented by Finance Minister, ArunJaitley on 10 July 2014,11:00 am.This was the first budget of Narendra Modi ” A detailed analysis on the taxation proposals is presented for your valuable information. 2nd Edition of “Effects On You” Printed on :10-07-2014
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2013-14 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ When the new “Negative List” based system of service of Service Tax came into vogue with effect from 1-7-2012 not many amendments were anticipated in the future budgets. But this is not a case, as we go through the budget 2013. The Union
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