EFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2020-21 From the desk of our Chairman Paul Thangam “ The Union Budget 2020-21 has been a budget with long-term vision woven around three themes – Aspirational India, Economic development and Caring Society. The Union Budget has laid special emphasis on Agriculture laying down 16 action points for the improvement
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU INTERIM UNION BUDGET 2019-20 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “The Budget 2019-20 presented by Shri.PiyushGoyal, the first budget to be presented by a Chartered Accountant, has laid down a strong vision for the next decade with India poised to become a FiveTrillionDollarEconomyinthenextfiveyearsandaspiretobecomeaTenTrillionDollarEconomyin the next 8 years thereafter. The Budget laid down ten
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2018-19 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “Union Budget 2018-19, presented by Shri. ArunJaitley, the last full budget of this Government came with a lot of expectations. The budget was not a populist budget for the tax payers. The budget was futuristic with an eye towards ‘New India 2022’. The budget
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2017-18 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget 2017-18, the first budget after demonetisation can be seen as a stable and balanced budget with a futuristic view keeping in mind the economic growth and inclusive development. The Hon’ble Minister of Finance Shri. ArunJaitley remarked about the post demonetisation
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2016-17 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget 2016-17 presented by our Hon’ble Minister of Finance Shri. ArunJaitley is a balanced budget where the Government has committed for “minimum government maximum governance”. It has been proposed to provide Aadhar a statutory framework and link the disbursement of subsidies
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2015-16 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget 2015-16 opened up on the last day of the shortest month with a positive note by our Finance Minister Shri.ArunJaitley “I present this budget in an economic environment which is far more positive than in the recent past”. On the
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2014-15 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ The Union Budget of India for 2014–2015 was presented by Finance Minister, ArunJaitley on 10 July 2014,11:00 am.This was the first budget of Narendra Modi ” A detailed analysis on the taxation proposals is presented for your valuable information. 2nd Edition of “Effects On You” Printed on :10-07-2014
Continue ReadingEFFECTS ON YOU UNION BUDGET 2013-14 Senior Partner Paul Thangam writes….. “ When the new “Negative List” based system of service of Service Tax came into vogue with effect from 1-7-2012 not many amendments were anticipated in the future budgets. But this is not a case, as we go through the budget 2013. The Union
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